Monday, November 8, 2010

Strike off

I found this pretty interesting in a blog "Blossoms" , I went through recently, It's pretty interesting tag and simple. Just strike off the things that you haven't done in your life yet. Here I go :)
  1. Smoked a Cigarette.
  2. Got so drunk you passed out.
  3. Rode every ride at an amusement park.
  4. Collected something stupid.( Bus tickets!)
  5. Gone to a Rock Concert. (East India Company, Kailash kher.)
  6. Helped someone.(I try not to, but I do)
  7. Gone fishing.
  8. Watched four movies in one night. (Many times.)
  9. Lied to someone.
  10. Snorted cocaine.
  11. Smoked weed.
  12. Failed a subject. 
  13. Been in a car accident.(Not car, but scooty yes. ALL THE TIME. )
  14. Been in a tornado.
  15. Watched someone die.
  16. Been to a funeral.
  17. Burned Yourself.(Not deliberately, accidentally...many times. )
  18. Run a marathon.
  19. Cried yourself to sleep.(Infinite nights)
  20. Flown in an aeroplane.
  21. Cheated on someone.
  22. Been cheated on.
  23. Written a 10 page letter.
  24. Gone skiing.
  25. Been sailing.
  26. Cut yourself.(Again accidentally , often)
  27. Had a best friend.(THREE)
  28. Lost someone you loved.
  29. Got into trouble for something you didn’t do.
  30. Stolen a book from the library. 
  31. Gone to a different country.
  32. Watched the Harry Potter movies. 
  33. Had an online diary.(Yeah! )
  34. Fired a gun. ( All the time. It's fun. )
  35. Gambled in a casino. 
  36. Been in a school play.
  37. Been fired from a job.
  38. Taken a lie detector test.
  39. Swam with dolphins.
  40. Voted for someone on a reality TV show. 
  41. Written poetry. 
  42. Read more than 20 books a year. (More than that.)
  43. Gone to Europe.
  44. Used a colouring book over age 12. ( Oh, I love that.)
  45. Had a Surgery.
  46. Had stitches.
  47. Taken a Taxi.
  48. Had more than 5 IM conversations going on at once. ( I'm a girl afterall ;) )
  49. Been in a fist fight. ( Yeah with my sister. Oh, I miss it. )
  50. Suffered any form of abuse.( Verbal)
  51. Had a pet.
  52. Petted a wild animal.
  53. Had your own credit card & bought something with it.
  54. Dyed your hair.
  55. Got a tattoo.
  56. Had something pierced. (Four ear piercings.)
  57. Known someone personally with HIV or AIDS.
  58. Taken pictures with a web cam.
  59. Lost something expensive.
  60. Gone to sleep with music on. 

    Whoever wants to take it up, please do. Have fun. Cheers! 


Sapphire said...

nice one :) I did this too but my list had 65 items:

avan said...

u r fake..........

Princess Caspian said...

@Avan: What makes you say that?

avan said...

arrey sorry misunderstanding.....aap wo nahi hain...

avan said...

1. Exercise daily.
2. Get serious about gratitude.
3. See your work as a craft.
4. Expect the best and prepare for the worst.
5. Keep a journal.
6. Read “The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin”.
7. Plan a schedule for your week.
8. Know the 5 highest priorities of your life.
9. Say no to distractions.
10. Drink a lot of water.
11. Improve your work every single day.
12. Get a mentor.
13. Hire a coach.
14. Get up at 5 am each day.
15. Eat less food.
16. Find more heroes.
17. Be a hero to someone.
18. Smile at strangers.
19. Be the most ethical person you know.
20. Don’t settle for anything less than excellence.
21. Savor life’s simplest pleasures.
22. Save 10% of your income each month.
23. Spend time at art galleries.
24. Walk in the woods.
25. Write thank you letters to those who’ve helped you.
26. Forgive those who’ve wronged you.
27. Remember that leadership is about influence and impact, not title and accolades.
28. Create unforgettable moments with those you love.
29. Have 5 great friends.
30. Become stunningly polite.
31. Unplug your TV.
32. Sell your TV.
33. Read daily.
34. Avoid the news.
35. Be content with what you have.
36. Pursue your dreams.
37. Be authentic.
38. Be passionate.
39. Say sorry when you know you should.
40. Never miss a moment to celebrate another.
41. Have a vision for your life.
42. Know your strengths.
43. Focus your mind on the good versus the lack.
44. Be patient.
45. Don’t give up.
46. Clean up your messes.
47. Use impeccable words.
48. Travel more.
49. Read “As You Think”.
50. Honor your parents.
51. Tip taxi drivers well.
52. Be a great teammate.
53. Give no energy to critics.
54. Spent time in the mountains.
55. Know your top 5 values.
56. Shift from being busy to achieving results.
57. Innovate and iterate.
58. Speak less. Listen more.
59. Be the best person you know.
60. Make your life matter.