Friday, June 26, 2009


This one is for you Appu Buddy!

I've been meaning to write this for a long time now, but you know the same old thing. I was waiting for the right moment to come, though I did not know what or when exactly this right moment was going to be. Now that you are nearing your 100th post on your blog I want you to know how proud I feel of you. I started my blog before you did and yet I am not done with my 50th blog post! And you are on the verge of hitting a century! That to with quality and NO rubbish. I've enjoyed reading every peace that you've written. I can't say all but MANY of them are heart's favourite. I am never going to be as good as you are, well we can't even put our works in the same league either, your works are so GROOVY, I am just a greenhorn!
I hold you as a 'True Believer' writter, everything that you wrote came directly from your heart whether it be those songs, tags, poems, convos, etc. Everything just made me understand you even better. Though I mus add here I knew most of them if not all, hope you agree.
We did not meet as often as we used to, I was afraid I might loose, yet again, another best buddy. But we this the blog of yours has contributed a lot!
I congratulate not only you but your blog -'Crazy Beginnings' on your 100th-post-birthday!(L.M.A.O.)

MRInal A.K.A. Princess Caspian


Miss Sunshine said...

thaanks. BUt you have to write this on MY blog. I'll invite youuuuu... :P
and that was touching really.
xoxoxoxoxo :P

Princess Caspian said...

you'll get a different thing for your is just a 'in case' post!